1. Overview of Satellite Systems
1.1. Frequency Allocations
频率资源非常紧张,国际上由 ITU ( International Telecommunication
Union ) 同一管理分配。在卫星通信中,为了更好地对频率资源进行管理,将世界分成三个区域。
- Region 1: Europe, Africa, what was formerly the Soviet Union, and Mongolia
- Region 2: North and South America and Greenland
- Region 3: Asia (excluding region 1 areas), Australia, and the southwest Pacific
在区域内,全频带可使用。这些频率资源基本上是用于提供下面这些服务,当然它们也可以细分出很多内容,如 Mobile satellite services 中包含了 land mobile,maritime mobile 和 aeronautical mobile。
- Fixed satellite service (FSS)
- Broadcasting satellite service (BSS)
- Mobile satellite services
- Navigational satellite services
- Meteorological satellite services
还有一种 ITU 的频段划分方式,不在卫星通信中使用: